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The Common Craft Show


What it is: I love the Common Craft Show.  If you aren’t familiar with it, it takes complex ideas and breaks them down into something that is simple and manageable in video format.  The videos are short and sweet but you always finish with a more clear understanding of whatever it is that is being presented.  Videos on the Common Craft Show range from “Electing a President in Plain English” to “Wikis in Plain English”.  Most of the videos are related to technology that could be used in the classroom such as twitter, social networking, blogging, wikis, and RSS feeds.  The videos all have a common, fun to watch format.  As I said, I LOVE the Common Craft Show!


How to integrate The Common Craft Show into the classroom:  The Common Craft Show is a great way to introduce a complex technology tool like a wiki or blog to students.  The videos quickly break everything down into easily managed parts so that students (teachers too) can understand what the tool is and how it works.  The new “Electing a President in Plain English” video is extremely timely and will help your students understand how a president gets elected.  Use theCommon Craft Show as an example for students to create their own explanation videos.  Students can work in groups to explain a concept like “Multiplication in Plain English” that the rest of the class can watch.  


Tips:  These videos aren’t just for students.  Just heard about a technology tool you don’t quite understand?  Head over to The Common Craft Show and see if they have simplified it for you! 🙂


Leave a comment and share how you are using The Common Craft Show in your classroom.


Founder of Anastasis Academy, The Learning Genome Project, 5Sigma Education Conference, tech integration specialist, instructional coach, writer, dreamer.

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