Fun & Games Interactive Whiteboard Math Primary Elementary Secondary Elementary Teacher Resources Websites

Splat Square

What it is:  Splat Square is one of those very simple websites that you will end up using weekly in your math classroom.  Splat Square is a 100 grid that starts out blank.  There are different ‘splat’ colors on the right side of the screen.  Choose a color and then click on the square, ‘splat’, the number is revealed with a splatter of colored paint.  The interactive grid is wonderful for several applications in the math classroom.


How to integrate Splat Square into the classroom: Splat Square is perfect for use with an interactive whiteboard.  Teach students to count by 2, 5, 10, etc. by ‘splatting’ those spaces as you count aloud as a class.  Teach students the difference between odd and even numbers by color coding the 100 grid, prime numbers, skip counting, and ordinal counting can also be practiced with Splat Square.  This is a great grid to use with the whole class with the students interacting with the grid on an interactive whiteboard.  It can be used as a interactive math help center or individually in a lab setting.  I like using the grid for whole class math games, I call out what rule I want the teams to follow and they can take turns at the board.  


Tips:  Share this one with parents, it can be a big help for your visual learners during math homework. 


Leave a comment and tell us how you are using Splat Square in your classroom.

Founder of Anastasis Academy, The Learning Genome Project, 5Sigma Education Conference, tech integration specialist, instructional coach, writer, dreamer.

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