Carrot Sticks

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What it is: Carrot Sticks is another fun place for your students to practice math facts.  Carrot Sticks is a fantastic place where your students can practice their math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) for FREE!  Students get to create their own Carrot Stick avatar to help them practice.  Then they practice addition facts against an online opponent of their choosing.  Carrot Sticks has students testing their math fact skills against other students from around the world in a completely safe environment (no personal information is shared and students can’t chat).  Students earn math achievement certificates for reaching various goals. Note: To get your FREE Carrot Sticks account (available to educators for school/classroom use only) email

How to integrate Carrot Sticks into the classroom: Use  Carrot Sticks for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division math fact practice.  Students love seeing how they stack up to their peers from around the world.  Carrot Sticks also offers individual goals for students to reach.  Not only are they competing against others, they are trying to improve their own best times.  Carrot Sticks is a nice alternative to flash card practice.  Students will enjoy the ability to create their own avatar and earn rewards for meeting goals.  Carrot Sticks would make a good addition math fact practice center for students on classroom computers.  Give students a set amount of time to practice their facts. Keep a running scoreboard by the center with the highest student score in 1 min, 2 min, or 5 min.  Carrot sticks reminds me of World Math Day (which my students go crazy for) why not offer the Carrot Sticks website as a “training center” to prepare for World Math Day?

Tips: Send this link home to parents, they are often looking for new ways to practice math facts at home.

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