

What it is: Storybird is a fun new collaborative storytelling website.  Storybird makes it easy to create and tell stories digitally.  Students and teachers can create stories together by combining imaginative artwork and text.  The final product can be printed, watched on screen, played with like a toy, or shared in an online library with the world.  “Storybird promotes imagination, literacy, and self-confidence.”  Creating, sharing, and reading Storybird stories is free.

How to integrate Storybird into the classroom: Storybird is an excellent way to get your students enthusiastically writing.  The imaginative artwork will have your students creating stories in no time.  Storybird stories are meant to be collaborative.  Students can work together in teams to create stories.  This type of learning through play reminds me of the “lets pretend” stories that students create on the playground.  Students will feed off of each others ideas, creating more creative stories and learning together.  Storybird is also a fantastic place to create a classroom story, each student can contribute pages to the story.  The final product can be easily shared with families and friends in the online library.  Storybird can be used by teachers to make ‘special’ stories for students.  They can include students as characters, emphasize classroom themes or curriculum, and be created for specific reading levels.  Encourage your students to create and share their stories on Storybird, open up your classroom computer during DEAR time for students to read stories their classmates have created.

Tips: Storybird is currently in an open Beta version.  Right now all features on Storybird are free.  Storybird plans to keep story creation, reading, and sharing as free features.  Premium (pay-for) features will be added.

Leave a comment and tell us how you are using Storybird  in your classroom.