Jeopardy Labs

What it is:  Jeopardy Labs is an awesome website that lets you build a Jeopardy game board without the use of Power Point!  All that you have to do to start is enter a password so that others can’t edit your game.  Then it is as simple as titling it, typing in categories and then entering questions and answers.  This is really SO easy to use!  You can also search through Jeopardy games created by others.  You won’t be able to edit these but you may find a ready made game that fits your needs perfectly.  Jeopardy Labs was created by Matt Johnson, an undergraduate at WSUV.  Impressive!

How to integrate Jeopardy Labs into the classroom:   Jeopardy Labs is a great way to review and practice class material in a fun, engaging way.  Use Jeopardy Labs to help your kids study for a test, to review a unit, or just as a fun learning activity on a Friday afternoon.  In the computer lab, I have used Jeopardy as a way to teach students how to perform searches.  Students can Google the questions and the first team to find the correct answer wins the points.  


Tips:  Before you reinvent the wheel, browse through other Jeopardy games…someone may have already done the work for you!


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What it is: Studio4Learning is a great site for students in fifth through twelfth grades.  It provides students and teachers with free, high-quality videos that can be watched online.  There are ten categories of videos to choose from Math, Sciences, English, Languages, Social Sciences, Business, Arts, Test Prep, Find a Job, and Tutor Corps.  Each category is broken down into several sub categories.  Videos are engaging and teach key skills and concepts in a fun way.  Students can also use the sites search feature to search for a specific topic.

How to integrate Studio4Learning into the classroom:  Students can use Studio4Learning as a place to stop for homework help and to learn or review concepts learned in class.  Teachers can use Studio4Learning as a center, with a projector, or on individual student computers to illustrate new teaching or as a place where students can review information.  Studio4Learning is free to use, if students register (also free) they can bookmark videos.  Teachers can upload class topic videos to Studio4Learning, again free. (Are you seeing a theme here? It is all free!)  As an added bonus, if you have a class website or blog, you can embed videos directly into your site for students to watch on any subject you are studying in class.  

Tips:  Browse through a couple of videos on the site, I know you will be hooked!


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