Fun & Games Interactive Whiteboard Math Primary Elementary Secondary Elementary Websites

Make 5

Make 5

What it is: Make 5 is a fun interactive tic-tac-toe type game (it actually reminds me of Connect 4) that I learned about this morning on Twitter from @annemarie80.  This game is a great way for students to practice math facts and to recognize relationships between numbers.  Students are given a target number, they choose an equation on the grid that equals the target number.  The goal of the game is to get 5 squares on the grid in a row in the least number of tries.  The game has several play options; students can play the game with one or two players, set up the game to get 5 or 3 in a row, and can play to practice addition, subtraction, or multiplication.

How to integrate Make 5 into the classroom: Make 5 is an excellent little game that students can play to practice math facts.  Use Make 5 as a math center on the classroom computers.  Students can visit the center in groups of two and play the game together.  In the computer lab setting, students can play Make 5 individually.  Make 5 would be a fun whole class game using an interactive whiteboard.  Split the math class into two teams.  Students take turns coming to the board as representatives of their team.  Give teams 30 seconds to plan their move before sending up their representative.  Make sure that every student has the opportunity to be at the board (you may have to play more than once).

Tips: Send this site home to parents, this is a great way for students to practice their math facts at home, too!

Leave a comment and tell us how you are using Make 5  in your classroom.

Founder of Anastasis Academy, The Learning Genome Project, 5Sigma Education Conference, tech integration specialist, instructional coach, writer, dreamer.

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