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Map a List


What it is: Map A List is a neat tool that combines the power of Google Spreadsheets and Google Maps or Google Earth.  Using Map A List, students can create and customize Google Maps of addresses or locations.  In a few easy steps, students can visualize geographic data on a Google Map or in Google Earth.  First, students enter a list of addresses or places in a Google Spreadsheet, as addresses are updated or modified in the list, the map is automatically updated.  Maps can be saved to be private or public. The maps can be exported as KLM files for viewing in Google Earth.

Picture 1

How to integrate Map a List into the classroom: Map a List would be a great tool for keeping track and mapping a Flat Stanley project.  As Flat Stanley visits locations, students can keep track in a Google Spreadsheet and view the results on the map.  Map a List would be useful for tracking locations as student read any literature.  Track history events and battles using Map a List, helping your students to visualize the learning. Have students note their ancestry in a Google Spreadsheet and turn it into a map.  It is so easy to update the spreadsheet and see the results immediately on the map.

Tips: Thanks to @dgrice who noted a drawback to Map a List, even if you have multiple spreadsheet entries for the same location, only one representation will show up on the map.

Please leave a comment and share how you are using Map a List in your classroom.


Founder of Anastasis Academy, The Learning Genome Project, 5Sigma Education Conference, tech integration specialist, instructional coach, writer, dreamer.

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  1. Kelly,

    What a great find! I think I will use this in my Web 2.0 & Connectivist Learning course in my opening session on May 28th. Exactly the kind of thing I was looking for.

  2. What a great resource. I might need to add this to my collection of resources I give out at my Google Earth Workshops.

  3. Brings great visuals and geography elements to many types of lessons. Helps students gain a global perspective. Nice one, thanks.

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