Sixteen Option Spinner

Picture 2

What it is: The Sixteen Option Spinner is another winner from Triptico.  This online spinner lets you customize it with sixteen options.  The spinner is random and removes the option once it has been landed on.

How to integrate Sixteen Option Spinner into the classroom: The Sixteen Option Spinner is perfect for a projector or interactive whiteboard.  Use the spinner to customize class games, to choose a story starter for writing, to teach probability, to choose a math operation for students to perform, to select a landmark that students find on a map, or to choose a reading comprehension question for students to answer.  You could also use the Sixteen Option Spinner to enter student names and spin the spinner to choose who will answer a question next or use it as a motivational tool and add names throughout the day with a winner randomly selected at the end of the day.

Tips: Triptico has other customizable spinners, choose the spinner that best fits your activity needs.  Four Option Spinner, Probability Spinner (This one automatically records the results as students spin.), Eight Option Spinner, Role Chooser, Eight Number Spinner (not customizable).

Leave a comment and tell us how you are using Triptico Spinners  in your classroom.

Simple Timer

Picture 5

What it is: Simple Timer is just what you would expect based on the name, a simple timer (imagine that).  The timer can be projected or used with an interactive whiteboard during classroom activities or work time.  There is a timer and a count down feature.  To time an even just click the ‘start’ button, you can pause and restart the timer at any time.  To set a countdown timer, just set the time you would like the timer to countdown from and click the start button.

How to integrate Simple Timer into the classroom: Simple Timer can be used in a variety of ways.  I like using timers with my students as a motivator.  For example, “Let’s see how quickly and quietly we can put everything away and line up.” Each time you line up you can try to beat the previous time.  I add 10 seconds if someone is talking.  This is also a great way to make tasks manageable for students who struggle with focus. If they can see a visual of how much time is left with one activity it is much easier for them to continue through to the next activity.

Tips: If you have a student who has trouble staying on task, put them next to a classroom computer with their own timer or countdown clock.  This way you can set it for shorter intervals for that student.  Each time they have made it to the count down they can stand up and stretch before beginning the next activity.

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Word Magnets

Word magnets

What it is: Word Magnets is a fantastic little website that lets you type or copy and paste words into a field and create virtual word magnets out of them (think of the popular word magnets sold for refrigerators).  After you have typed in the words to transform into magnets, you can choose a “magnetic” background for your words.  There are several backgrounds to choose from including grids, venn diagrams, time lines, arrows, stair steps, targets, boxes, numbers, alphabet, circles, webs, flow sequences, tables, present/absent, and many more.  After you choose your background, students can create sentences, sort, and interact with the virtual magnetic words.  Words can be added to the board at any time and the color of the background and size of the magnets can be adjusted.

How to integrate Word Magnets into the classroom: The background options for your word magnets are really the highlight of this website.  You can do everything from word sorts, to venn diagrams, to practicing alphabetic order.  Create tables; sort words by their root, prefix, or suffix; link ideas; practice building sentences; create a time line of events, take attendance…the possibilities with this site are endless!  If you are going to use this site for taking attendance, I would suggest creating a master list in a saved word document that you can copy and paste from (this will save you from re-typing names every morning).  This is an excellent site for an interactive whiteboard or to use as a center activity.  This is an easy way to create customized interactive lessons for your classroom.  Because you enter the content, this site is appropriate for any grade level.

Tips: One thing I wish this site had: the ability to save.  If you want to save words to interact with over and over, create a document that you can copy and paste from.  If you want to save a copy of the word magnets after students have interacted with them, take a screen shot of it.

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WDCS Life Size Whale

Picture 4

What it is: WDCS Life Size Whale is a really neat concept for a website.  The site displays a life size whale on the computer screen, bit-by-bit and helps students gain an understanding of just how BIG a whale is.  In the upper right corner of the screen is the entire whale with a red box showing which portion of the whale students are looking at.

How to integrate WDCS Life Size Whale into the classroom: This site is really best on an interactive whiteboard or projector.  Students can get an up close view of a whale.  Use this site as an introduction to an ocean or whale unit.  Allow students to move around the whale to view the different parts up close and personal.

Tips: Learn more about the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) by clicking on the link in the bottom right hand corner.

Leave a comment and tell us how you are using WDC Life Size Whale in your classroom.



What it is: Nota is an incredible online collaboration tool that allows students and teachers to collaborate almost instantaneously on a shared whiteboard space.  Instantly create and share any kind of document, presentations, notebooks, report, artwork, etc.. Nota makes any type of document and media work together seamlessly.  The Nota interface is extremelly intuitive, it is quick to learn and use.  Materials can be shared and edited simultaneously making it a truly incredible collaborative experience.  Materials can be uploaded or added from sites like Flickr, YouTube, Google Maps, Wikipedia, and more.  The Nota drawing tools work with any media or document in Nota.  Public or private notebooks can be created.  Collaborate with one or a hundred people on Nota and create as many pages as you want.  Finished work can be stored, printed, or embeded.  Best of all Nota is totally free!

How to integrate Nota into the classroom: Nota is the ultimate in online collaboration.  It reminds me a little bit of a glog but Nota goes way beyond Glogster in so many ways.  Nota can be used to complete group projects between students.  The instant collaborative abilities mean that students can see each group members contribution instantaneously.  Imagine using Nota to work on difficult math problems, create science diagrams, compare and contrast historical figures, create a character sketch of a character from a classroom novel, etc..  The possibilities are endless for collaborative learning.  Work on a common notebook for whole class projects where each student is responsible for a contribution to the Nota.  Make interactive whiteboards a truly interactive experience by combining with Nota.  Throughout teaching, have students add their new learning to a common Nota notebook.  At the end of teaching, use the interactive whiteboard to view the Nota and add any additional information and resources to it.  Print out or send the Nota to students as a study guide that they helped create.  Nota creates an impressive mashup of media and documents and allows users to collaborate and combine knowledge.  When students work together to construct knowledge, they end up with a greater, more complete understanding of material.

Tips: Nota works with any web browser making it ideal for the classroom setting where students may not have the same computing platforms or Internet browsers at home.

Leave a comment and tell us how you are using Nota in your classroom.

Moon in Google Earth

What it is: Today is the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Mission.  I have been following the moon landing on We Choose the Moon.  This is an incredible site that has allowed me to re-live (for the first time) the Apollo 11 mission as if it were happening today.  In honor of this historic day, Google released Google Earth 5.0 complete with Moon view.  With Moon in Google Earth you and your students can take tours of landing sites narrated by Apollo astronauts, view 3-D models of landed spacecraft, zoom into 360* photos of astronauts footprints, and watch rare TV footage of the Apollo missions.

How to integrate Moon in Google Earth into the classroom: Now that the moon has made an appearance in Google Earth, your students can experience the moon and Apollo missions up close and personal.  Space, astronauts, Apollo missions, and the moon were the stuff of legends before the space race took off.  Moon in Google Earth brings back the excitement of the space race allowing students to explore and discover.  This is an excellent virtual field trip to take your students on during any space or moon unit.  Use an interactive whiteboard to discover as a class.  Students can take turns being moon tour guides.  Students could also explore independently keeping their discoveries in a space journal and reporting back to others what they discovered on their journey to the moon.

Tips: Google Earth is a download.  If you need IT to perform downloads for you, be sure that Google Earth makes it on your list of must haves for the school year.

Leave a comment and tell us how you are using Moon in Google Earth in your classroom.Moon in Google Earth

Illuminations Resources for Teaching Math

What it is: Illuminations Resources for Teaching Math is a gold mine of interactive activities for the math classroom. The site has over 100 interactive math activities for teaching and practicing math in kindergarten through twelfth grades.  These are high quality games, interactives, and simulations for the math classroom.  You are sure to find something to use in your math class that will increase understanding!

How to integrate Illuminations Resources for Teaching Math into the classroom:  This site is ideal for use with an interactive whiteboard in the math classroom.  The activities help students understand concepts that can be difficult by inviting them to interact with the concept.  If you don’t have access to an interactive whiteboard, you can demonstrate math concepts from a teacher computer connected to a projector.  Students can practice and interact with concepts on classroom computers set up as a math center or individually in the computer lab setting.  


Tips:  To narrow the list of activities, choose a grade level to narrow activity results.


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What it is:   Popling is a free website and desktop application.  Their motto is “Learning without Studying”.  The idea is to make your own Poplings (flash card sets) and every few minutes (you determine the amount of time) while you work at the computer, a window pops up on the screen with your question.  Click on it to see the full question.  That is all there is to it, studying without really studying.

How to integrate Popling into the classroom:   Popling is a little goodie that could help students in their learning.  Set up classroom computers with Poplings about any subject.  As students are working they can also be practicing math facts, vocabulary, geography, etc.  Better yet, have students create the Popling sets!  In the computer lab setting, create Popling flash cards that will quiz students about Internet safety, terminology, or short cuts while they work.  It is like sneaking in extra learning, gotta love that!  Encourage students to use Popling as a study tool at home…they can study for tests for weeks without it feeling like studying.  Install Popling on your interactive whiteboard or projector connected computer.  As you are teaching, have related questions popup.  This will keep your students engaged watching for the next Popling.


Tips:  Tell parents about Popling, they are always looking for great ideas for helping their kids with studying.


Leave a comment and tell us how you are using Popling  in your classroom.

Virtual Forest Challenge



What it is:   Scholastic and Nature’s Source have teamed up to create the Virtual Forest Challenge game to help students understand how their actions have real implications in local and global ecosystems.  The game leads students through a variety of virtual environments and along the way asks them to make decisions about how they would act in the ecosystem they are in.  If students answer correctly (make the correct decision) they continue in the game.  If they answer incorrectly, they are offered the correct answer accompanied by an explanation.

How to integrate Virtual Forest Challenge into the classroom:   Virtual Forest Challenge would be a good site to use in conjunction with Earth Day.  However, since the principals of Earth Day are valid year round, it can be used any time throughout the year.  This would be a great challenge to take on as a class with an interactive whiteboard or projector.  As students make decisions in the virtual world, discuss why one option is better for the ecosystem than another.  Virtual Forest Challenge would also be a good challenge for students to take on solo in the computer lab setting.  


Tips:  Visit the Teacher Resource section for some great accompanying lesson plans and resources.  Here you will find a Community Planting guide, a Community Planting poster, a lesson plan about the delicate balance between people and the ecosystems we are a part of, and a lesson about Our Community Past Present and Future.

Teacher Led Interactive Whiteboard

What it is: Teacher Led IWB is a collection of resources for use with an interactive whiteboard.  This is an outstanding collection of 46 math tools and games, 3 geography maps and map makers, 6 English tools and games, and two multipurpose games.  The collection is visually appealing and helps teach key concepts visually in each content area.  There are too many great resources to go in depth here, I recommend heading over to Teacher Led IWB and taking a look right now!

How to integrate Teacher Led IWB into the classroom:  This collection is VERY impressive.  The tools and games are perfect for whole class instruction and practice in math, geography, language arts, and creating custom activities for other subjects.  Most of the tools are designed for the elementary classroom but there are some that can be used in middle school as well.  


Tips: If you have an interactive whiteboard, go to Teacher Led now and check out these awesome resources!  



Leave a comment and tell us which of the Teacher Led resources you have used in your classroom.