The Eco Zoo

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What it is: The Eco Zoo is an impressive 3d environment where students can meet different “animals” that will give them some ideas about taking care of the environment.  Each of the critters has a virtual pop-up book that tells a little about the character.  Each character has an environmental quirk, like one who is always turning off the lights to save energy, and has a little story that will get your students thinking about the environment.   The site is available to view in both Japanese and English.

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How to integrate The Eco Zoo into the classroom: The Eco Zoo is a great site to travel through as a class when you are studying the environment, ecology, or eco-friendly solutions.   This site is ideal for an interactive whiteboard or projector connected computer.  As a class, travel up the tree, visiting each animal along the way.  Ask students to guess what environmental issue the animal is passionate about.  Have students brainstorm ideas of ways that they could be friendlier to the environment as it relates to each animal.  This would be a great site to guide classroom discussion and spark some new ideas.

The look of the site is very unique, students will love the virtual popup books!  Students can also explore this site on their own on classroom computers or in a computer lab setting.  As they view the different animals, students can create character cards about the animal, listing the environmental passion, and ideas of how they can be more environmentally friendly.

Tips: This site was created in Japan so some of the English is a little awkward, or the humor missed.

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