What it is: NASA has some really fantastic resources and activities for use in the classroom. This week I am creating a customized integrated technology plan for a local elementary/middle school. One of the subjects we are integrating tech into is astronomy. NASA was, of course, my first stop for finding some resources we could use. While I was there I came across Extreme Planet Makeover where students can try their hand at making their very own planet. In this fun interactive, students can control the look and habitability of their own world. Students use the controls available to adjust the planetary attributes. They can change things like size, distance from star, star type, planet age, and even start their planet based on different presets. As students are adjusting their extreme planet, they will start to understand the differences between earth and the other planets in our solar system. When students are finished, they can download a picture of their custom world.
How to integrate Extreme Planet Makeover into the classroom: Extreme Planet Makeover is a neat simulation where students can design a custom planet. As they create their own custom planet, they will begin to notice what makes a planet habitable or not, and the unique features that must be in place for life. Extreme Planet Makeover can be used with the whole class using a projector-connected computer or interactive whiteboard. Invite each student to make an adjustment to the planet. With each adjustment, students can describe the ways that the planet has changed. The finished class planet can be used as the base for a creative writing prompt.
Set up Extreme Planet Makeover as a center activity where students can create a planet and download to save. The finished planets can be shared on a class photo stream, website, or blog where students can compare and contrast the features of each planet.
In a one to one or computer lab setting, students can each create a planet that they use for a compare/contrast to an actual planet in the solar system and as a creative writing prompt. Who lives on this planet? What galaxy is their planet in? How do you get there?
Tips: One of the features I really appreciate about the Extreme Planet Makeover is the explanations that pop up over each planet attribute. Students learn about how atmosphere, size, different stars, the distance from the star, and the age effect a planet.
Please leave a comment and share how you are using Extreme Planet Makeover in your classroom.