Did that grab your attention? Thank goodness for people who are much, much smarter than me who can figure this out! If you haven’t heard there really is a way to get an interactive whiteboard for $45…you will have to brave the DIY but it is pretty simple. All you need is a Wiimote (you know the Wii, that thing your students talk about all the time), a projector, a computer, and a infared pen that you make yourself (or buy). That is it! I am SO excited about this today because I found out how to get the Wiimote to work on a Mac this weekend! It has been available for the PC for some time. I have to say, I have seen the PC version in use and it is a little buggy…it still works great it just requires a very specific bluetooth. Since my MacBook has built in bluetooth it was no problem at all. I will post my step by step process tomorrow with any luck, it is my non stop teaching day so we will see if I can fit it all in.
And a 3D virtual environment for the Wiimote Whiteboard!
Application: http://edusim3d.com
Demo Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVFsxev-2sk
Another alternative to a smart board might be a Mimeo. It works with your current, regular ol’ whiteboard and makes it interactive. We had them at my previous school.
@Excited Neuron- The year after I built my wiimote whiteboard, a parent donated enough for a Mimeo in my classroom. I really enjoyed the Mimeo (it was more consistent and didn’t have to be calibrated so often). But if you can’t swing the money for a Mimeo, the wiimote makes a great inexpensive alternative!