We are in full on count down mode for our yearly education conference, 5Sigma. This year our theme is Using Agency to Empower Students: What is Sacred in Education.
I could not be more excited for our third annual conference! Each year we work to include educators who have inspired our work. This year is no exception. We have a pretty incredible line up! I’m so thankful for the way that each of the people you see below have shaped me, and inspired me. I know they will do the same for you!
Some things that you can look forward to at the 5Sigma Edu Conference:
- We will spoil you (because you do hard work every day, and deserve a weekend of being spoiled).
- You will leave inspired, changed, and with practical ways to “launch” (did you see the line up? I mean….)
- El Toro the Tot (if nothing else inspires or changes you, lunch on Saturday will!)
- Happy hour meet ups (because we are convinced that the Happy Hour is Education’s Magic Bullet).
- You will see what happens when students are empowered (we can’t wait for you to meet the students of Anastasis, they are seriously the COOLEST! *slight bias*)
- An adult field trip (because who doesn’t love those?!) This year’s trip: Half Penny Brewery including a brewery tour, Most Likely to Succeed showing, and conversation with other passionate educators.
- The opportunity to talk shop: have you ever dreamed of starting a school? Re-imagining assessment? Throwing away one-size-fits-all curriculum? Ditching homework? Ditching the test? Team Anastasis will share how we’ve done it, what we’ve learned along the way, share our insight into what not to do, and be transparent.
We’re excited to meet you! If you haven’t already registered, it isn’t too late! Learn more and register at http://5sigmaeducon.com If you need help requesting the professional development dollars to attend, we are happy to help out, customize our template letter.