iLearn Technology Promethean flipcharts offer a variety of interactive learning opportunities for your students. Next to each flipchart, you will find a description of the flipchart and a recommended grade level. Flipcharts can be viewed on any computer or interactive whiteboard with the ActivInspire software. You can learn more and download a free personal version of the software here.
Download these at my Teachers Pay Teachers page.
Computer Lab Expectations Flipchart
Use this flipchart the first week of school to walk students through the rules of the computer lab. Students will write down what they think the expectations mean. This flipchart can be used with the Jigsaw Planet Tech Rules/RUP lesson.
Grades: 1st- 5th
el/le Endings Flipchart
A 9 page flipchart about when to use le or el endings. Student interaction includes highlighting, revealing answers, and writing.
Grade Level: 2nd-3rd