We Give Books: Read digital picture books online for free
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Integrating technology in the classroom
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Tips: I’m impressed with the quality and organization of Learn Zillion. Be sure to take some time to explore some lessons and dream up how you might use it with your students or even as a learning tool for yourself.
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How to integrate Word Dynamo into the classroom: Word Dynamo is an easy fit into any classroom k-12. This is a great addition to your language arts, math, economics, science, history, (ANY) classroom. Word Dynamo gives students the keys to their own learning by working with them at their own level. It would be wonderful to use Word Dynamo throughout the year to keep kids playing with words. Students will love watching their own “estimated words you know” score creep up and up over the course of the school year. Vocabulary is one of those things that students don’t always realize that they are learning throughout the school day. Then *bam* they wake up one day and suddenly know a whole LOT of words.
The games and practice items on Word Dynamo make for a great vocabulary center on classroom computers during language arts. But, as I mentioned before, my very favorite part is the ability for students to create their own lists. At Anastasis, we have students constantly adding to their own spelling/vocabulary list as they come across new words they want to learn. I like that Word Dynamo give them a place to keep, practice and play with these words. Students have ownership over their own learning and aren’t stuck practicing and testing on the words they already know. Do you assign spelling and vocabulary words each week? Let students enter those words in their custom list to practice!
Because Word Dynamo is constantly utilizing the feedback it gets from students, it is constantly challenging them and urging them on to a new personal best. Students can watch their score go up, engage in challenges, and choose fun games that keep them learning. In other words, this is a site you are going to want to have handy for your students!
Don’t have the opportunity for students to use Word Dynamo on their own account/computer? Put up a challenge on the interactive whiteboard or projector-connected computer. As students enter the classroom, they can each answer a question on the way to their seats. Keep track of the number of words that the whole class knows.
Tips: The Quick Tour will lead you through all the Word Dynamo goodies and have you ready to use it with your students in no time! Word Dynamo looks and works well on the iPad and iPod Touch browser…great for vocabulary practice anywhere.
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How to integrate Moglue into the classroom: I think tools that make content creation simple are absolute genius. As much as I would love for every student (and myself) to know how to program, it takes quite a bit of know-how before students can make their stories and ideas come to life. The intuitive interface of tools like Moglue let students focus on breathing life into their creations and not on the technology tools used to build them. Tools like Moglue are wonderful for the classroom where students are often short on time and resources (someone to teach them programming). Because the interface is so easy to use, students can focus on telling a story, releasing their inner artist, and letting their creativity shine.
Students (or classes) can use Moglue to:
Tips: The Moglue builder can be downloaded on Mac or Windows computers and has a great tutorial to get your students started!
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How to integrate the Draw a Stickman site into the classroom: Draw a Stickman is a fun interactive site that uses student creations to tell a story. Students can complete the interactive on individual computers, iDevices (the site works great!), interactive whiteboards, or classroom computers.
Aside from just fun practice at following instructions, Draw a Stickman would be a great fictional story prompt. Students have the bones of a story and can fill in details, vivid verbs, adjectives, etc. to tell the story. Students can focus on fleshing out their hero, the plot of the story, the details, the setting, etc. Students can come up with a moral of a story that they add in the customized ending. This link can be sent as a tweet, facebook link, or in an email to accompany the story they have created. These stories would be fun to share as a class…how many different stories did students come up with using the same base?
On an interactive whiteboard, students can go through the story together, labeling the different parts of the story (beginning, problem, climax, resolution, ending). This interactive can help students identify parts in a story including setting, characters and plot.
Tips: After you have gone through Draw a Stickman, you can personalize the message at the end and share. Add any two lines of text that you wish. This could be a fun way to reveal messages to your students!
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How to integrate the Mastery Connect App into the classroom: At Anastasis Academy, we use the Common Core standards as a rough framework and guide of where to take learning next. We don’t constrain students to just one grade level of standards (they are all developing skills and mastery at different rates, we move as students are ready to move). Because we don’t use ANY boxed curriculum, the standards act as an outline and guide through learning. The Mastery Connect App is a great little help for students, teachers and parents. The widget makes it easy to embed in a classroom blog, website or wiki. Just copy and paste the code and the widget is there for you when you need it.
Tips: Make sure to check out the rest of Mastery Connect!
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What it is: I love those serendipitous moments in life where the stars seem to align and everything that comes your way is tailor made to meet your needs. This resource filled those needs for me this week! At Anastasis, our primary students are working on an inquiry unit about how transportation has changed over time and how transportation is used in different locations in the world. What should appear in my inbox than a little note from the people over at Oddizzi inviting me to take a look at their content. Serendipitous I tell you. Oddizzi is a paid-for service but they have sample content on their site to give you a taste of what you can expect. That sample content is free and has made my day. It may make yours too, you should head over and have a look! Oddizzi brings the world to life in a way I have seen few other resources pull off. Students have access to their very own interactive map where they can view places, physical features, global features, places of interest, my story and class pals. Students can click on each feature on the map to learn more in popup bubble. The content below the map is rich including student-friendly text, videos, “secret” facts, images and more. Oddizzi is a great way to teach about geography, global issues, math, citizenship and multicultural topics. One feature that I have found to be really useful is the “Sneak-a-Peak” option which condenses a page of content down to one page of easy to read sentences. Perfect for differentiating for your different reading levels while maintaining a topic thread for the whole class. Odd and Izzi are fun characters that lead students through the site revealing hidden secrets as they go.
How to integrate Oddizzi into the classroom: Oddizzi is a fantastic way for students to explore geography and culture. Use Oddizzi sample content to introduce a lesson or unit, as a place for students to gather research, or as a center activity on classroom computers. In the Sample Content you will find information on Egypt, transportation in India, Rivers and Games (flags from around the world and a game about Egypt).
Oddizzi is a great place to spur interest in geography and encourages students to learn more. We will use the Transport in India content to help students think about questions they can ask about how transportation is used in other countries.
Geography is a subject that is often overlooked in schools in the United States. Oddizzi helps bridge the gap between geography and other disciplines such as reading, writing, communicating, math, social studies, history, etc. No excuses!
Use Oddizzi as a starting point for students to gather facts, information and gain a general understanding of geography and culture. Students can use that information to create a poem about the country or location. At Anastasis, @leadingwlove did an incredible project with students where they each chose a country they wanted to learn more about. After learning about the country, they wrote a poem. Each made a large thumbprint on an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper and inside the thumbprint left a negative space of the outline of the country. They wrote their poems on the lines of the fingerprint. The result was incredible! Students learned a lot, practiced writing poetry and created a masterpiece to boot! Since our students are in a one-to-one iPad environment, they took this a step further and took pictures of their finished products and added special photo effects to make a one-of-a-kind digital masterpiece for their e-portfolios. SO awesome! You can see the beginning of one of these poems below…
Tips: In the subscription version of Oddizzi, you can connect with other classes around the globe in a secure learning environment. This allows your students to send online postcards to other students around the world so that they can learn first hand what life is like around the globe. Neat! A curriculum zone offers teachers resources for integrating Oddizzi across multiple disciplines for transdiciplinary learning. In addition, the subscription version has “Over to you” where students can contribute content to the site. If you are interested in testing out these additional features, request a free trial of Oddizzi for your class here.
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What it is: Writing Prompts is a Tumblr blog I learned about from @johntspencer on Twitter this morning. It is a fabulous blog packed FULL of writing prompts to use in the classroom. There are currently 247 prompts on the site but new prompts are added regularly (so subscribe to this one!). The prompts are pictures coupled with a text prompt and are sure to get the creative writing juices of your students flowing.
How to integrate Writing Prompts into the classroom: These Writing Prompts are a fantastic way to get your students thinking outside of the box and interested in writing. Display prompts on an interactive whiteboard, projector connected computer, or at a writing center on classroom computers. Students can spend 15-20 minutes of uninterrupted time just writing their thoughts. Keep these in a journal so that they can go back through their writing and choose a 15 minute piece they would like to expand on.
A blog is the ideal platform for writing of this kind because students can re-blog the prompt along with their written piece. Students can get feedback from teachers and peers in the form of comments on the blog.
The Writing Prompt Tumblr blog is the perfect addition to a classroom or student RSS reader. New posts will be delivered as they are posted so your students will always have a fresh supply of writing inspiration. I use Google Reader when I am at a computer, Reeder or Flipboard on the iPad.
Tips: These prompts are best for secondary elementary, middle and high school students. If you teach younger students, consider creating a writing prompt Tumblr of your own. They are easy to get started with!
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What it is: Boy’s Life Magazine is a great place to reach those boys in your class that are reluctant readers or writers. On the Boy’s Life site, you will find a Comic Creator where students can create a comic strip. The Comic Creator is easy to use, offering enough tools for boys to really customize their comics but not SO many that they get lost in the forever search of pictures. A great balance!
How to integrate Comic Creator into the classroom: The Boy’s Life Comic Creator is a great little tool to help your boys connect with writing and story telling in a way that they enjoy and understand. The tool is simple enough to use as a writing station/center on classroom computers. The comic does need to be created in one sitting, there is no way to save and come back to a comic later. Completed comics can be printed off and shared.
The Comic Creator is a great entry point into writing but could also be useful in math for creating and solving story problems. Students can create a short math comic strip that can be traded with other students to solve.
Students taking a foreign language class could practice new words by creating a comic strip story in Comic Creator.
Use Comic Creator the first week of school as a way for boys to tell all about themselves. Each student can create a comic strip that stars them as the main character. Invite other students to try to match the comic strip with the student as a fun interactive bulletin board activity (Think comics on one side, student pictures on the other and string to draw the “line” between matches).
Tips: I learned about the Boy’s Life Comic creator from The Book Chook, be sure to follow this GREAT kids lit blog! The Boy’s Life website is packed full of goodies that your boys are sure to enjoy (there is even some reading that gets sneaked in there 🙂 ).
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What it is: Literature Map is a neat little web tool that I learned about from Samantha, an iLearn Technology reader. Thanks Samantha! Literature Map makes it simple to discover new authors. Student’s can type in the name of a favorite author and instantly get a cloud of related authors. The closer two writers are together on the map, the more likely someone will like both of them. Any of the authors in the cloud can be selected to see the authors related to them.
How to integrate Literature Map into the classroom: Isn’t it wonderful to find an author that you can’t get enough of? Literature Map helps students in the discovery of new authors based on authors they know they like. Tools like Literature Map can act as a catalyst in uncovering the love for reading. Literature Map would be a great site to bookmark on classroom computers or in the library. Students won’t be stuck in the “I don’t know what to read” or the “I can’t find anything to read” rut.
In the intermediate classroom or middle/high school classroom, ask students to choose two authors from the Literature Map to compare and contrast. Students can dig into writing style, genre and author study as they compare/contrast.
Tips: If you don’t find an author listed, you can contribute to Literature Map so that others can benefit from your recommendations.
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