We Choose the Moon
What it is: This site has been around for a few years, I am constantly using it with students and assumed (wrongly) that I had shared it on iLearn Technology. I think sometimes I use a site so often that I think that it is common knowledge or that I have already posted about it. I’m redeeming myself today and sharing the truly INCREDIBLE site, We Choose the Moon. The site drops students right into history where they get to witness, and take part in the Apollo 11 launch and mission. Time travel might not exist yet, but I’m telling you, this site is the next best thing. Students actually hear all of the chatter from Mission Control, control the launch, view all 11 stages of the mission, read mission transmission, and follow the mission in “real-time”. I cannot say enough about how truly awesome this experience is for students. At each stage, students can explore more in-depth by looking through actual pictures from the mission, videos (including JFK’s We Choose the Moon speech), and a “map” of the stages Apollo 11 took to get to the moon. I wasn’t alive to witness this piece of history first hand, but I can tell you that this interactive gives me goosebumps, makes me appreciate the giant leap that our country took, and makes me swell with pride. Not something a textbook can deliver.
How to integrate We Choose the Moon into the classroom: We Choose the Moon plops students right in the middle of the action. Students can experience this solo in a one-to-one computer lab setting where each has access to their own computer. Students can explore at their own pace and “rabbit trail” for more information as needed. My favorite use of this site is as a whole class using a projector-connected computer or interactive whiteboard. The site has such a sense of nostalgia and it gives the opportunity to remember how the nation stopped and focused on the monumental moment in time. Children everywhere were riveted to their TV sets watching men being launched into space to travel to the moon. Students born after the era of the space race have a hard time recognizing just what an event this was. Viewing the site as a class gives students the opportunity to discuss the fashion, technology, and viewpoints of the day. It gives students the opportunity to “witness” history first hand as if they have traveled back in time. Take time to look through the photos, watch the videos, and reflect with students. Turn the interactive into a creative writing opportunity where students choose a view-point (of JFK, a child, an astronaut, someone in mission control, etc.) and write about their reflections and thoughts as they witness and are a part of this history.
Don’t be afraid to let your students “rabbit trail”, click here to see where students I worked with took the learning.
If you have students who are still crazy for more “moon” experience, check out Google Moon and NASA’s Moon virtual tour. I cannot get over how amazing technology is! Do you ever just stop and marvel at what we have at our finger tips? Wow.
Tips: Do you have parents or teachers who fail to see the brilliance of technology in the classroom? I defy any parent or educator to experience a site like this and not have their minds changed. This is one of those sites that upon stumbling on, I immediately sent to my dad. He LOVED it.
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