Arcademic Skill Builders

What it is:  Arcademic Skill Builders are educational games that help students learn basic academic math and literacy skills. The games are all research-based and standards-aligned.  This site blends the fun of arcade games and key educational skills into fun online games that engage, motivate, and teach students.  All games are free to play and have the option of multi-player or single player games.


How to integrate Arcademic Skill Builders into the classroom:   Arcademic Skill Builders has games that will help students practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, ratios, and language arts word skills.  These games can be used as a center in the classroom during math or literacy.  They can also be used with the whole class in a computer lab setting.  I look forward to the addition of the student tracking so that teachers can see trends in student learning and differentiate instruction and practice accordingly.  These games will help excite your students about learning while building important basic learning skills.


Tips:  Arcademic Skill Builders has plans to add features that will allow students to save records, teachers to differentiate instruction through the games, and pinpoint students problem areas.

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