Glogster EDU!
What it is: I wrote a post last week about a site called Glogster, since that post Glogster has introduced Glogster EDU! Glogster for Education is a site that lets students combine graphics, photos, videos, music, and text into a great web 2.0 online poster. Glogs are an outstanding way to enhance learning, wikis, and blogs. Glogster EDU offers support and help with creating school accounts and keeping Glogs private.
How to integrate Glogster EDU into the classroom: As I mentioned last week, Glogster is a creative way for your students to display knowledge. Students can create Glogs for absolutely any subject. Glogster is wonderful for book reports, history, math concepts, science, and literature. The ability to embed Glogs into wikis and blogs is outstanding and makes Glogs even more versatile.
Tips: Send Glogster EDU feedback about features you would like to see specifically for education…they have committed to updates based on your feedback!
Leave a comment and tell us how you are using Glogster EDU in your classroom.