Gooru: Fantastic new education search engine
What it is: Gooru is a education search engine for learning that helps teachers find standards aligned content and study guides. 5th-12th grade math and science topics are covered and include resources like digital textbooks, animations and instructor videos. Gooru provides a place to connect with your worldwide personal learning network to share and ask questions. Gooru is not just for teachers, students can use the study guides and self assessments to guide learning. Based on the topics studied and the performance on self-assessments, Gooru begins to suggest resources and study guides to help gain mastery.
Gooru takes advantage of OER (Open Educational Resources) so that all content delivered can be accessed free of charge.
You can explore Gooru through resources, collections, quizzes, a standards library or a search engine.
How to integrate Gooru into the classroom: Gooru is a great step toward helping you personalize the learning experience for your students. Use Gooru to find resources for your classroom and for individual students. Invite students to create their own logins so that they can setup Gooru to be tailored to their specific needs. As they study and take quizzes, Gooru gets “smarter” and begins to recommend content for them.
Gooru is ideal in a 1 to 1 classroom set up. If you don’t have 1 to 1 access, much of the content can be shared using an interactive whiteboard or projector-connected computer. Because of the nature of Gooru, it could be a great addition to the flipped classroom model.
Tips: Gooru is currently in beta, sign up to help them test it out and make it better today!
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