Algebra in the Real World movies
What it is: The higher up I got in math, the less connection I could make back to it’s usefulness in real life. I had math mastered in school, I could memorize the formulas and spit back out the steps to get straight A’s in algebra, geometry, calculus and even trig. It wasn’t until I was watching the Social Network movie (as an adult) that I started connecting that higher math to purposes in real life. That is a problem. Remember the scene in the Social Network when Zuckerberg is writing algorithms on his window? I saw that, looked at my husband in astonishment and whispered “I learned that!”. I had NO idea that trig was actually used for anything. Seriously. That is why when I saw Algebra in the Real World movies on Karl Fisch’s Fischbowl blog, I knew it was a site that needed to be shared again. Algebra in the Real World has mini documentary type films that show the ways that Algebra is used in a variety of jobs and real world scenarios. Movies include:
- Aquarium makers
- Backpack designers
- Designing stronger skateboards
- Engineering faster bikes
- First one in the ball park
- The forester
- Landscape architects
- The Lundberg farms
- Maglev trains
- Reliable Robots
- Roller Coasters
- Saving the bald eagle
- Solar power
- The starshade
- Structural engineering
- The surface of Mars
- Testing the robotic hand
- The wind business
- Windsails
Plenty of variety to help students with a variety of interests!
How to integrate Algebra in the Real World movies into the classroom: After seeing the Social Network, I wanted to go back to my high school trigonometry class so that I could connect the dots. I always really appreciated my physics class because it gave meaning to the algebra classes that I took. I like that these videos help to make connections between the equations students learn and their uses. It is nice to have such a good mix of topics so that students with different interests and passions can find one that helps them make the connection.
These videos would be great to share with a whole class as the algebra topic connected with the video is introduced, at the beginning of the school year, or based on student interest level. Use as an end of the year cap to connect what has been learned throughout the year with the use post classroom.
Tips: The Algebra in the Real World movies are available online or for purchase on DVD.
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