Friday Recap: Apps, jobs, new blogs
Happy Friday!! Fridays during the summer are especially wonderful aren’t they? Nothing better than a weekend ahead, some sunshine and fresh air and flip-flops. Bliss. I finally managed to keep up with posts here and get a few in over at iPad Curriculum with some application reviews. Next week we are beginning to interview for positions at the school I am starting, Anastasis Academy. If you are interested in applying, get yourself in gear and get your application in soon! The job does require that you are in Colorado 🙂 On a serious note, we are looking to build a ball team. I happen to believe that my PLN is made up of the best educators in the world, if you are interested please do apply, we would love to have you!
I ambitiously started a new blog last week for the school called Stand Again (I must be crazy, I think this makes blog #7…)
Below are posts from iPad Curriculum:
Stick Pick– I am VERY excited about this app from my friend and blog alliance member Buzz Garwood, worth checking out!
Virtual Rat dissection– just as gross (and educational) as you would imagine.
Happy weekend to you all! I hope you find some time away from work and technology.