Math Arcade


What it is:  Math Arcade is a branch of the Fun Brain Website.  Students in first through eighth grades can practice math facts and math skills through fun, interactive games.  When students go to Math Arcade, they will see a board game board.  They have to successfully complete each game before they can move their game piece to another spot on the game board.  Each spot on the game board represents an appropriate age level game.  Students can write down a special password to save and return to their saved game at another time.  There are 25 games at each grade level to play.  


How to integrate Math Arcade into the classroom:   Math Arcade is a great website to help students practice math facts and skills.  There is enough variety on the site to keep kids interested.  The game board atmosphere gives students a goal to complete, they have to successfully play all 25 games to reach the end.  This site would be a great one to use as a math center, or in a computer lab setting as a math treat once a week.  Students can progress through the site based on their math ability.  


Tips: Bookmark this page on your classroom computers for students to access throughout the school day or during free time.


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