May Issue of Project PLN: New Teacher Reflections

It has been quite a month and Project PLN is a little late to publish.  I want to send out a HUGE congratulations to Nick and his wife who welcomed their new baby boy Leo into the world.  What a cutie pie!  I have no idea how he managed to get any work done after meeting that sweet new arrival- could look at him for hours!  I have been busy starting a school– who knew that was so much work?! 🙂  Today Anastasis Academy was interviewed on a local radio show, you can listen to it here. Nick and I finally got it squared away and are excited to share it with all of you!

In May, we asked new teachers to share some lessons learned and reflections from the year.  I am reminded once again that no matter how many years we are in to our teaching journey, we always have something new to learn.  I hope that as you read reflections from these great educators, that you take the time to reflect on your year.  Celebrate success, learn from mistakes, find a way to grow.


projectpln10 – Project PLN May Issue

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Call for Posts: May Project PLN #ntchat

For the May Issue of Project PLN, we would love to hear from all of the new teachers out there. You have had a long year and we want you to share your experiences as a new teacher with everyone. Please email your stories to or send us a tweet @ProjectPLN.  Be sure to include your name as you would like it to appear, your Twitter ID (if you have one), and a link to your blog (if you have one).  We look forward to hearing the joys and struggles from the perspective of a first year teachers!


April Issue of #ProjectPLN: The Mistakes Issue

The April issue of #ProjectPLN is out today! In this issue we asked you to share lessons learned from mistakes made.  We had some great contributors this month who generously shared mistakes made, and lessons learned.  Thank you to all that contributed!


projectpln10 – The Mistake Issue

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For the May Issue we would love to hear from all of the new teachers out there. You have had a long year and we would love for you to share your experience as a new teacher with everyone out there. Please email your stories to or send us a tweet @ProjectPLN.  Be sure to include your name as you would like it to appear, your Twitter ID (if you have one), and a link to your blog (if you have one).  We look forward to hearing the joys and struggles from the perspective of a first year teachers!

-Nick (@thenerdyteacher) and Kelly (@ktenkely)